My Story
Henry Lansing Woodward
Mr. Woodward was a Paramedic in Hawaii, Reno, Nevada, and Vancouver, Washington State. This profession led to his second book, “CODE THREE, One Day in the Life of a Paramedic,” which is currently in editing. It consists of thirteen stories about Paramedic ambulance runs completed by his partner and himself, all completed in one twenty-four-hour shift in Reno, Nevada. He also has another manuscript ready for publication. It is “The Story Book o Poems” and contains fifty-eight story poems.
Mr. Woodward has traveled extensively, visiting or living in forty-six countries while keeping a journal of the entire sixteen-year adventure. Many of his stories and poems are derived from those journals. You may find Mr. Woodward’s first book, “Yard Sale Today,” on Amazon and Kindle. More books, stories, and poems are in progress.